Dimension Door [DOOR.]

We need wards. [DOTA]

CEOKerneli PanicTax rate0.0049999998882413%
Alliance We need wards.Headquarters

Alliance history

Dimension DoorWe need wards.2014-05-06 15:472024-09-20 16:4210 years, 4 months, 14 days and 55 minutes

School: Navigation Cynosural Field Theory
Level: CPU Management V, Cynosural Field Theory I
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Caster Components: Ship + Cynosural Field Generator I or Covert Cynosural Field Generator I orIndustrial Cynosural Field Generator + Liquid Ozone
Target Components: Isotopes + Capacitor
Range: Long (5,7,8, 10 ly @ level V)
Target: Fleet members
Duration: 1/5/10minutes max
Travel time: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none and Will negates (object) vs Spell
Spell Resistance: Warp disruption nullifies effect

- You instantly transfer your party from their current location to another spot within range.
- You always arrive close to the Door.
- The Door may no longer be opened within the potential forcefield range of an Anchored,
Online or Reinforced starbase, whether the forcefield is active or not.
- After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until 10minutes have passed.
- If there is not enough Liquid Ozone the spell simply fails.



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